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Chinese bi-metal band saw blade market

Time:2017/9/5    Click:2326次

The sales volume of bi-metal band saw blade continued to slide in China, totaling 49.45 million meters throughout the year 2013, down 2.5% year on year, largely due to international financial crisis, a drop in domestic Manufacturing Sentiment Index and a decline in the output of supporting sawing machine. Despite falling sales volume, the scope of decline narrowed, compared with year-on-year contraction of 5.2% in 2012.


It can be seen from development trend of the industry that the Chinese bi-metal band saw blade market is expected to recover during 2014-2015, for: 1) The demand for high speed steel, a main raw material for bi-metal band saw blade, started to pick up in the first half of 2014. Tiangong International, one of industry leaders, posted revenue of RMB 608 million from domestic high speed steel business, soaring by 231% year on year, which means that some downstream cutting tool manufacturers have resumed purchasing; 2) With gradual recovery of export markets and rapid development of emerging industries like automobile, aerospace, aviation, military industry and IT, sawing machine output in China is expected to emerge from negative growth and realize stable expansion in 2015.

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